Wir sind eine auf Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF) spezialisierte Sprachschule für Erwachsene in Berlin, Kreuzberg. Unser Kurssystem und Unterrichtsinhalte basieren auf dem Gemeinsamen Europäischen Referenzrahmen für Sprachen (GER), was bedeutet, dass sie den europäischen Standards entsprechen und von der ersten Lektion an auf die üblichen Deutschprüfungen vorbereiten. Nach jedem Deutschkurs findet ein interner Sprachtest statt – bei Bestehen können unsere Teilnehmer ein sprachart BERLIN Zertifikat über den Abschluss der Stufe erhalten.
Als zertifiziertes Prüfungszentrum und telc Lizenzpartner bieten wir qualitativen Deutschunterricht und eine Möglichkeit, die weltweit anerkannte telc Sprachprüfung bei uns abzulegen. Wir glauben, dass strukturierte Wissensvermittlung und Spaß am Unterricht effektives Lernen begünstigen. Eine angenehme Lernatmosphäre, die zum aktiven Mitmachen und Sprechen ermutigt, ist uns genauso wichtig wie die fachliche Qualifikation und Kreativität unserer Lehrer. Unser Leitbild … Mehr lesen…
Bei sprachart BERLIN kannst Du wählen zwischen Deutschkurs Intensiv, Deutschkurs Superintensiv, Deutschkurs am Abend, Deutschkurs Konversation & Vokabeltraining, telc Prüfungen (allgemein B1 oder B2), Deutschkurs online am Abend, Deutschkurs online Semi-Intensiv, Einzelunterricht vor Ort oder online, Deutschkurs für Visa, Deutschkurs für Firmen. Schaue Dir unsere Starttermine an und beginne mit uns Deutsch zu lernen!

                                                                                                                             WIE MELDE ICH MICH AN?   KLICKE HIER  


sprachart BERLIN

Embla Hægeland Selnes
Embla Hægeland Selnes
20 Oktober 2024
Julia ist eine so gute Lehrerin. Der Unterricht ist immer gut strukturiert, interaktiv und spannend! Alex in der Verwaltung ist auch immer hilfsbereit. Ich würde Julias Unterricht jedem empfehlen😌
Oleh Afanasiev
Oleh Afanasiev
17 Oktober 2024
Finished course for B1.1
Thanks to Rozita (our teacher ) for vibes and knowledge she gave to us ,everyone in group enjoyed our lessons together.

We had enough material to keep us structured and progressing,everything else depends how you improve your knowledge constantly day by day.

Special thanks to people with whom we were studying together, everyone was very cool :)
Stella Esho
Stella Esho
29 September 2024
My experience at Sprachart Berlin was really nice!! A very detailed study curriculum and very patient teachers especially Julia, Isra and Mariano! Everyone from the teachers to the office staff are so friendly and helpful! Alex from the office is such an amazing and helpful person for all the questions you have , he is always ready to help with a big smile on his face!
I not only did my A1 to B2 there but also took my Telc exams there which was super nice because it’s such a hassle to book for exams online.
They also helped with my visa and gave me all the documents I needed to apply for it! So if you are looking for a school to learn German, Sprachart Berlin is the place! Viel Spaß!
Michael Parry
Michael Parry
29 September 2024
Took two courses (a2-b1) over the summer and enjoyed them very much. My teachers; Mariano, David and Julia were great and extremely helpful. Each had their own styles and methods which really contributed to my learning and also understand how I can learn best. Foreign languages were never my best subjects at school, so it was very enlightening to see them taught differently to how I experienced them at school. The school itself is very conveniently located in the centre of Berlin. The facilities are good, the office staff great, and the class sizes small. You'll also find yourself meeting new people and friends and plenty of places - the nearby gleisdreieck and Victoria parks especially in summer - to practice with!! Would highly recommend!!
Reuven Firestone
Reuven Firestone
28 September 2024
Sprachart is an excellent school. I have been studying here for four months, from B1.1 through B2.2. The teachers are talented, learned, caring, patient, and sensitive to the needs of students. We learn the grammar while we are also encourage to speak and USE the language -- not an easy task in German, which can be frustratingly complicated! I recommend Sprachart without hesitation.
Lucian D'Arco
Lucian D'Arco
27 September 2024
From initial tutor selection, then throughout each structured lesson, the sprachart tutor, Doro, was engaging, highly knowledgeable in her German proficiency and made every session fun. This allowed the development of a relaxed learning environment. My German has improved dramatically and I will look forward to continuing with the school as my working timetable permits! Vielen dank sprachart!
Karim Aly
Karim Aly
26 September 2024
I would like to begin by saying a big Thank You to the Sprachart School for definitely helping me reach B2 level of German as i have been a student here for the last 5 months and i have to say they have great teachers and i can definitely Recommend my teacher for most of the time there JULIA who is brilliant and has great command of not only the language but how to teach it adapting her style to the pace of her students and making sure everyone understands and develops ❤️❤️❤️ and i also have to mention Alex who handles the whole experience professionally and seamlessly from signing up of students to any questions or suggestions the students have and implements them if possible and also making sure to organize fun social events for the students in school which really helps with students bonding and also have language partners to practice with after class . He is the go to for everything and the kindest human so thank you ALEX❤️❤️❤️ i have to also honorably mention my substitute teachers Karola and Mariano you are also wonderful. So if you are looking to develop your language skills and learn in the best possible environment i can truly recommend “SPRACHART”.
7 September 2024
Really nice professional teachers and staff, great atmosphere. 10/10



Großbeerenstraße 82a, 10963 Berlin, Kreuzberg
U-Möckernbrücke (U1 & U7) – 3 Min
U-Hallesches Tor (U6 & U1) – 6 Min
U-Mehringdamm (U7 & U6) – 6 Min


Montag & Dienstag 9.00 – 16.00Uhr & 17.30 – 20Uhr 
Mittwoch & Donnerstag 9.00 – 16.00Uhr
10 – 14Uhr.


Tel.: +49 (0)30 55 64 20 32
E-Mail: info(at)

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